Welcome to IOTIB!
Welcome to the newly redesigned Internet of Things is Bullshit! Now it looks like a modern website. It's also my playground for php. If you refresh the page, the motto after the title will be different. That's all thanks to php. Likewise, this page is technically formatted in markdown, but converted to html thanks to, you guessed it, php.
If you want to contact me, here is how:
- E-mail: public@iotib.net
- Matrix: @charadon:fedora.im
- Reddit: Charadon
- Mastodon: @charadon@8bit.red
If you're feeling charitable, you can donate to me through the following:
- Liberapay (Preferred)
- Ko-fi
- Patreon
- Peercoin: PAa93wV9rGuhRYRMjCk9ByKpugvFV5yrZ8
- Monero: 88vhCu28MM1HBzTm3MST4QD5HtDCJ1TfqdEiEWVmYYfXcrfoeycXxuGbqNomv9qWk9Ltu1GQVkDwQYXdG5qdbNL8CgMb8Fu
- Dogecoin: DCED1Fsm25pXk2BAtfnqwG3HdeUkNbuLPw
Or you can use some of my referral links:
(Adblocker can hide these, but they're just image hyperlinks.)